Taking an internship "For Credit" is not for everyone.

However, there are two situations in which taking an internship "For Credit" may be beneficial to the student.

  1. Full-time Equivalency. There is an agreement of certification for full-time equivalent status on AN SC 395 that states "All undergraduate students enrolling in this course are to be reported full-time even if the student(s) is (are) registering for less than the full-time number of credits. The work portion of this internship or co-operative course is equivalent to the academic workload of a full-time student." This is very helpful for fall and spring semester internships that require students to be away from campus.
  2. Some employers require that the student take an internship for credit.

Students who want to take Animal Science 395, INTERNSHIP (1-12 credits) must meet the following requirements.

  • The internship must involve supervised field experience and study related to the student's professional career interest.
  • The Course is limited to students enrolled in the Animal Sciences Major or Minor.
  • A minimum grade point average of 2.00 or higher.
  • The student must have completed at least six (6) credits of Animal Science courses.
  • Must meet with the Internship Coordinator and submit "Plan for Internship" at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the internship. "Plan for Internship" is an agreement outlining the objectives and scope of the internship and will be completed by a representative of the cooperating agency, the course instructor and the intern. This agreement is to include:
    -- 1. At least one well defined work activity.
    -- 2. Specific learning objectives that can be readily identified and reviewed periodically throughout the work period.
  • Student will need to ask a faculty member to serve as their instructor for the internship. This instructor is the main contact with the student and will grade the student at the end of the internship.
  • At least 40 hours of work and/or study are required for each credit enrolled. The student must pay for all internship credits taken. In the summer this is equivalent to over $600 per credit. During the spring and fall semesters the credits can be added to your credit load.
  • The student has to be enrolled for credits during the time the internship is being performed. The student cannot do the internship in summer then add the credits to their fall schedule.
  • Obtain signatures from their faculty adviser, selected course instructor, internship supervisor and internship coordinator for the major.
  • Student provides a written report and/or other items to help the instructor fairly critique and grade the student. Report to be completed and turned in by the end of the semester.
  • The employer provides an evaluation of the student to the instructor.
  • The named instructor grades the internship.

Responsibilities of the principal Participants

The Student participating in "For Credit" internship is expected to:

  1. Complete the tasks and activities outlined in the "Plan for Internship".
  2. Conform to the normal work hours of the cooperating agency, including overtime when requested.
  3. Support the employer, keep the employer's business confidential and work for the employer's best interests.
  4. Submit midterm and final reports as specified in the internship agreement and in the proper format to your instructor.

The Cooperating Agency Supervisor should interview the potential candidate and recommend the candidate for participation in the internship program. The agency representative is asked to provide a work description or schedule of the intern's anticipated activities, experiences and responsibilities during the entire internship period.

When the agency selects a participant for the internship program, it is expected to provide a variety of experiences for the intern and a program sufficiently flexible to permit intern involvement on specific projects. The agency assigns responsibility for supervision of the intern to a specific individual, and regular reviews of the intern's performance are expected. Further, the supervisor completes an evaluation form in which the student's performance is rated. The form is then forwarded to the student's instructor.

The agency may provide wages, reimbursement for travel and other needs while the student is on the internship. The intern has contracted with the agency as an independent agent and is therefore a bona fide employee of the agency.

For further information or questions contact the Animal Science Internship Coordinator, Madison Heilveil.