On July 1, 2012, the Department of Dairy and Animal Science and the Department of Poultry Science merged to form the new Department of Animal Science.

ansc-history.jpegThe merger was the result of a restructuring process launched in the College of Agricultural Sciences that was designed to decrease the number of academic departments from 12 to nine. The newly formed Department of Animal Science encompasses all food production animals as well as companion animals. The Department offers world-class teaching, research, and extension programs in a wide variety of key areas in animal agriculture and the food system.

Dairy and Animal Science (1887-2003)

The origin of the Department of Dairy and Animal Science goes back to 1887, when Dr. Henry Armsby came to Penn State as Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station.

Poultry Science (1920-2012)

The first instruction in poultry at the Pennsylvania State College was provided in 1895 by Professor of Agriculture George C. Watson, who taught part of a five-hour weekly lecture course in Animal Industry.

Animal Science History Update (2003-2021)

June, 2021

Department of Animal Science


439 Shortlidge Road, Room 109
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Animal Science


439 Shortlidge Road, Room 109
University Park, PA 16802