Animal, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Building

Completed in late 2021, this state-of-the-art building contains open-concept laboratory space for more than 20 principal investigators, offices, conference and seminar rooms, and a vivarium.

ASI (Agricultural Science and Industries) Building

Built in 1990 with 6 floors and 88,658 sq ft, the Agricultural Science and Industries Building houses Animal Science, Ecosystem Science and Management, Entomology, Plant Science, and Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Departments.

Beef-Sheep Center

The Penn State Beef and Sheep Center is located on Orchard Road. The Center maintains an average of 75 Angus brood cows and their calves in addition to the herd sires and market cattle. Another 75 commercial Angus/Simmental cows are maintained at the Haller Farm location.

Dairy Barns

The Dairy Barns are located off of Park Avenue, directly across from Beaver Stadium. Approximately 500 animals are housed at the dairy facilities.

Deer Research Center

The Penn State Deer Research Center is located in a 22 acre fenced enclosure northeast of campus off of Big Hollow Road, and provides research and educational opportunities for students and faculty.

Equine Facilities

Penn State's Equine Facilities include two horse barns with approximately 35 stalls, an indoor arena, a round pen, and paddocks and pastures.

Haller Farm

The 200-acre Haller Farm houses 200 head of Angus and crossbred beef cattle. Beef animals are used for education as well as genetics, nutrition, and forage research.

Meat Laboratory

A hub for meat science teaching, research, and extension

Poultry Education and Research Center

The $6 million Poultry Education and Research Center consists of six separate buildings occupying about 50,000 square feet.

Swine Education and Research Farm

Nestled on 16 rolling acres, the original swine facility was opened in 1958 and has provided swine education to Pennsylvanians for decades.

Department of Animal Science


439 Shortlidge Road, Room 109
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Animal Science


439 Shortlidge Road, Room 109
University Park, PA 16802