Aerial view of the Poultry Education and Research Center

Aerial view of the Poultry Education and Research Center

Dedicated on May 19, 1994, the new $6 million Poultry Education and Research Center replaced the old research farm that was built in the 1930s and expanded in the 1950s.


Research Building (P-1)

  • Conference/classroom, environmental chambers, hatchery, feed mixing area, battery rooms, surgical suite, laboratory, student housing, and office

Meat Bird Building (P-2)

  • Four wings with 24 research pens each, and laboratory

Pullet Building (P-3)

  • Ten floor/battery rooms, large pullet cage rearing room, feed mixing and storage area, and laboratory

Cage Layer/Market Turkey Building (P-4)

  • Six floor/battery rooms, cage layer room (capacity 3,000 hens), egg storage area, egg analysis and processing center and laboratory, and 24 floor pens for market turkeys

Breeder Building (P-5)

  • Large cage room for male and female breeders, observational floor pens, egg cooler, and records laboratory

Processing Building (P-6)

  • Slaughter and evisceration rooms, walk-in cooler and freezer, laboratory, shop, and garage.The center has its own diesel-powered electrical generator for emergencies.

For More Information

Contact: Scott Kephart ( Manager, Poultry Education & Research Center

Department of Animal Science


439 Shortlidge Road, Room 109
University Park, PA 16802

Department of Animal Science


439 Shortlidge Road, Room 109
University Park, PA 16802