Posted: November 1, 2023

Young 4-H members from across Pennsylvania recently took part in a day-long event called State Leadership Conference, Junior. Seventy-two participants, aged 10-13, attended the conference at Penn State’s University Park campus. The theme was "BUILD: Inspire, Influence, Impact."

"SLC Junior is an introduction to leadership for our up-and-coming leaders," said Jeanette Stackhouse, 4-H education specialist for leadership and civic engagement with Penn State Extension, who noted that the event grew out of the larger state leadership conference for teens.

The conference focused on enhancing foundational leadership skills to support the growth of younger members within 4-H. Teen 4-H members serving on State Council, the highest leadership role in Pennsylvania 4-H, led hands-on workshops and activities.

For example, "How to Make a Good First Impression" covered handshakes and greetings. "Leading with Confidence" taught participants about public speaking and team building.

State Project Ambassadors hosted a project exploration fair for participants to check out various 4-H project opportunities. State Project Ambassadors provide a youth perspective to statewide program areas, collaborating with 4-H state specialists on planning events, curricula, and initiatives. State Project Ambassadors for leadership and civic engagement taught a session called "Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone," which looked at club officer roles and parliamentary procedure.

Joe Johnson from the Jana Marie Foundation served as the keynote speaker.

During the closing ceremony, Pennsylvania 4-H inducted a new team of State Project Ambassadors to begin their terms. A maximum of four ambassadors can represent each project area for one-year terms, with an option to reapply for a second year.

Administered in Pennsylvania by Penn State Extension, 4-H is a nonformal educational youth-development program of the United States Department of Agriculture that helps young people develop knowledge and skills to become capable, caring, and contributing citizens. To find your local program, visit the Pennsylvania 4-H website.