Environmental Science Projects

Go Outside! Discover and Learn about your environment! Make a Difference in your community!

The 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Education program offers many different projects in wildlife, forestry, fishing, outdoor adventure, and environmental education. Through these projects, you learn to think critically about the natural world and sustainable living.  Journey through fields, forests, wetlands, and urban areas to discover the wonders and mysteries of Pennsylvania’s natural environment. Through their 4-H environmental and outdoor education projects young people will learn about the interconnection of people and nature. They will also develop respect and appreciation for and a sense of stewardship toward our natural resources. This 4-H programming area provides educational opportunities that help young people enjoy time outdoors and develop an understanding and appreciation of the environment.

Aquatic Environments and Water

Youth interested in learning about water and the importance of aquatic environments will find a variety of projects in Pennsylvania 4-H. These projects cover topics including conservation, preservation, wildlife, ecological systems, and even the chemical make-up of water. There is something for everyone in PA 4-H’s water projects!


Youth interested in learning about insects and insect behaviors will find many opportunities in Pennsylvania 4-H! PA 4-H Entomology programs include projects that teach youth about aquatic and terrestrial insects, their behaviors, and their adaptations. There are many projects to choose from, and many opportunities being developed!

Environment and Ecology

Pennsylvania 4-H offers a variety of projects that introduce youth to the environment and ecosystems, and the importance that all pieces play when thinking of biodiversity and habitat. These educational projects are science based and offer a wide variety of hands-on activities and small-scale science discoveries that engage youth in utilizing the scientific process.

Exploration and Outdoor Recreation

Pennsylvania 4-H Exploration and Outdoor Education programs help to get youth outdoors and learning about their environment. From orienteering to sport fishing, backpacking, camping and hiking, we offer a wide range of project opportunities that teach youth skills to navigate their outdoor experiences in a safe and fun way!


Youth interested in learning about forestry careers and ecology will find many levels of projects in the Pennsylvania 4-H Program. These programs range from making observations at a young level, to solving problems in forestry at an advanced level. These programs are great for youth that are interested in careers in forestry or learning more about their natural environments.

Renewable and Alternative Energy

The Pennsylvania 4-H Program offers a variety of projects that help youth learn about renewable and alternative energy sources. “Renewable energy” is energy collected from resources are naturally replenished on a human timescale, and usually includes carbon-neutral sources like sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. “Alternative energy” is a usable power that comes from renewable or green energy sources.


The Pennsylvania 4-H Program offers a wide variety of projects related to wildlife. These projects are offered at a variety of levels, from beginner to advanced. Each series helps youth to identify wildlife, introduces youth to wildlife behaviors, and teaches youth how to observe and protect wildlife in their communities. There is something for every youth wildlife enthusiast!

Why Choose 4-H Environmental Education Projects?

Environmental Education projects can be taken by anyone!  They are right for you if you have an interest in being outdoors, enjoy wildlife or desire to protect it, or would like to learn more about the environments that you live in or visit.  Career opportunities are growing in these fields.  4-H Environmental Projects can help youth learn skills and knowledge to lead them into these careers.  Do you know a youth who…

  • Concerned about their environment and natural resources.
  • Advocates for natural areas or for wildlife.
  • Enjoys being outdoors.

If so, these projects will be a perfect way to start or supplement their career in 4-H!

What can you Learn by Taking a 4-H Environmental Science Project?

The list of learning opportunities is endless when it comes to 4-H Environmental Science Projects.  These projects not only teach knowledge and skills for career development, but they teach youth to be stewards of their environments by focusing on ethics and conservation.  Here are some important things that youth can learn from these projects:

  • Conservation/Preservation
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Identification of Species
  • Basic needs of plants and animal species
  • Ecology and Ecosystems
  • Safety and Exploration
  • Careers related to Environmental Sciences

What Skills can be Gained through taking 4-H Environmental Science Projects?

4-H Environmental Science Projects help youth become more in-tune with their environments by developing their skills in observation and piquing their interest and curiosity in the natural or “wild” world around them.  These projects guide youth through the scientific process, and help to teach the following skills:

  • Observation
  • Research
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Leadership and Citizen Science
  • Communication and presentation of data
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Sportsmanship

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Environmental Science Programs


Pennsylvania State 4-H Office

Email: pa4h@psu.edu
Phone: 814-863-3824