The program chair shall designate the adviser after consultation with the student and the faculty member. At times it may be desirable to have co-advisers. In most instances the adviser will be the chair of the doctoral committee and the supervisor of the thesis research.
After the student has been admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree, the dean of the Graduate School, upon recommendation of the chair of the Graduate Program in Animal Science, will appoint a doctoral committee consisting of at least four members of the graduate faculty. At least one member shall be from outside the candidate's major program and shall represent the minor field, if one has been selected. The outside member of the committee shall have no budgetary connection to the department to which the student belongs.
The committee will be responsible for establishing the candidate's program; will prepare, administer, and evaluate the candidate's comprehensive and final examinations; and will supervise and evaluate the thesis. In most circumstances, the Advisory Committee will serve also as the Doctoral Committee.