Tara L. Felix
- Associate Professor
- Beef Extension Specialist
University Park, PA 16802
- Email tfelix@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-0065
- Fax 814-865-7442
Areas of Expertise
- Beef cattle nutrition
- Beef cattle metabolism
- Beef cattle management
- Feedlot nutrition and management
- B.S. - Penn State University, Animal Bioscience
- M.S. - University of Florida, Ruminant Nutrition
- Ph.D. - The Ohio State University, Ruminant Nutrition
The association of lung consolidation and respiratory pathogens isolated at weaning on the growth performance of beef on dairy calves
Journal of Dairy Science, Fernandes, Ingrid, Welk, Allison, Ranaud, David, Renaud, Dave, Sockett, Don, Felix, Tara, Cantor, Melissa, 2025
Effects of milk replacer composition on growth and development of beef × dairy crossbred calves
Translational Animal Science, Carter, Rachel E., Emenheiser, Joseph C., Zinn, Steven A., Govoni, Kristen E., Felix, Tara L., Reed, Sarah A., 2025
The Cow Herd: Things you should be measuring
Keystone Cattlemen's Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2024
Beef-on-dairy research from Penn State: Supply must match demand, Felix, Tara, 2024
Finding value beyond the sale barn, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, 2024
Beef Cattle Facilities: Handling Systems, Felix, Tara, 2024
Optimizing Mineral Supplementation for Beef Cattle Grazing: Why 'Set it and Forget it' Doesn't Work
Keystone Cattlemen's Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2024
Meat quality of beef-dairy crosses
Progressive Cattle, Felix, Tara, Basiel, Bailey, 2024
Alterations of rumen and fecal microbiome in growing beef and dairy steers fed rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin
Journal of Animal Science, Bierly, S, Van Syoc, E, Westphalen, M, Miles, A, Gaeta, N, Felix, Tara L., Hristov, Alexander, Ganda, Erika, 2024
The impact of sire breed on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef × Holstein steers
Translational Animal Science, Basiel, Bailey, Campbell, Jonathan A., Dechow, Chad D., Felix, Tara L., 2024
It's more about the bull than the breed: Beef x Dairy Project Enters Final Year
Lancaster Farming, Felix, Tara, 2023
Growth performance and carcass characteristics of beef-sired steers born to Holstein dams
Journal of Animal Science, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, 2023
PSIII-3 Effects of Milk Replacer Composition on Beef X Dairy Calf Growth and Muscle Fiber Cross-Sectional Area
Journal of Animal Science, Carter, Rachel, Zinn, Steve, Govoni, Kristin, Emenheiser, Joe, Felix, Tara, Reed, Sarah, 2023
Minerals for Beef Cattle, Felix, Tara, 2023
"Free Choice" minerals Fed to Beef Cattle
Keystone Cattlemens Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2023
The impact of beef sire breed on dystocia, stillbirth, gestation length, health, and lactation performance of cows that carry beef × dairy calves
Journal of Dairy Science, Basiel, Bailey, Barragan, A. A., Felix, T. L., Dechow, C. D., 2023
How to Make the Most of Rising Prices for Weaned Calves
Lancaster Farming, Felix, Tara, 2023
Early-lactation health event frequency of cows that carried beef or Holstein-sired calves
Journal of Dairy Science, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, Dechow, C, 2023
Genetic selection considerations when using beef sires on dairy cows
Journal of Dairy Science, Dechow, C, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, 2023
Should I use my Beef Manure as Fertilizer?, Felix, Tara, Ishler, Virginia, 2023
Dairy producer attitudes about beef-on-dairy
Progressive Cattle, Felix, Tara, 2023
National attitudes by dairy producers about crossbreeding beef on dairy, Felix, Tara, 2023
Manure Management on the Beef Farm, Felix, Tara, Ishler, Virginia, 2023
Nutritional Development of Bulls for Breeding Programs, Felix, Tara, Williamson, B, 2023
Post-weaning management of modern dairy cattle genetics for beef production: a review
Journal of Animal Science, Jaborek, Jerad R., Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Felix, Tara L., 2023
Survey of the use of beef semen in dairy herds in Pennsylvania and nearby states
Translational Animal Science, Felix, T. L., Emenheiser, J. C., Govoni, K. E., Zinn, S. A., Reed, S. A., 2023
Penn State Beef Cattle Short Course Celebrates 7 years of Quality Producer Education
Keystone Cattlemens Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2022
Does the Growing Beef x Dairy Trend Work for the Feeders, Felix, Tara, 2022
Confined Winter Beef Cows Fact Sheet, Felix, Tara, Springer, Hayley, Felix, T, Meinen, R, Meinen, R, Springer, H, Briggs, Nathan, 2022
Gestation length and dystocia of Holsteins mated to Hol- stein and beef breed service sires
Journal of Dairy Science, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, Dechow, C, 2022
Being Part of Something Bigger, Felix, Tara, Hartman, D, 2022
Ractopamine-induced remodeling in the mitochondrial proteome of postmortem longissimus lumborum muscle from feedlot steers
Livestock Science, Zhai, Chaoyu, Suman, Surendranath P., Li, Shuting, Nair, Mahesh N., Beach, Carol M., Edenburn, Bailey M., Boler, Dustin D., Dilger, Anna C., Felix, Tara L., 2022
To Reimplant, or Not to Reimplant… That is the Question, Felix, Tara, 2022
Board Invited Review: Crossbreeding beef × dairy cattle for the modern beef production system
Translational Animal Science, Basiel, Bailey L., Felix, Tara L., 2022
Feeding and Managing Dairy Cattle Genetics for Beef
Journal of Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro, Felix, Tara, Jaborek, Jerad, 2022
Effects of rubber matting on feedlot cattle growth performance, locomotion, and carcass characteristics in slatted floor facilities
Journal of Animal Science, Dawson, Cody R., Henley, Parker A., Schroeder, Adam R., Meteer, William T., Hayes, Courtney A., Felix, Tara L., Shike, Daniel W., McCann, Joshua C., 2022
2022 Beef Sired Progeny from Dairy Cows, Basiel, Bailey, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, 2022
Making Beef from Dairy Animals
Hoards Dairymen, Felix, Tara, 2021
Effects of forage inclusion and cattle breed on apparent digestibility and ruminal pH of steers fed a whole shelled corn-based diet
Translational Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Westphalen, Mariana F., Silva, Flavia A.S., Felix, Tara L., 2021
Effects of increasing levels of soybean hulls in finishing diets of feedlot cattle fed free-choice hay on performance, roughage intake, and carcass characteristics
Applied Animal Science, Pittaluga, Alejandro M., Felix, Tara L., Moraes, Luis E., Relling, Alejandro E., 2021
Ration formulation for growing cattle, Felix, Tara, Briggs, Nathan, 2021
A comparison of feedlot growth and performance of beef x Holstein crossbred steers and Holstein steers, Basiel, Bailey, Dechow, C, Felix, Tara, 2021
What we think we “know” about beef x dairy crossbreds cattle in the feedlot, Felix, Tara, 2021
Lancaster Farming, Felix, Tara, 2021
Successful Weaning Strategies, Felix, Tara, 2021
Nutrient requirements and evaluation of equations to predict chemical body composition of dairy crossbred steers
Animal Bioscience, de Sales Silva, Flávia Adriane, de Campos Valadares Filho, Sebastião, Costa e Silva, Luiz Fernando, Fernandes, Jaqueline Gonçalves, Lage, Bruno Corrêa, Chizzotti, Mario Luiz, Felix, Tara Louise, 2021
The Role of Nutrition & Implants in Dairy Beef Health & Animal Performance, Felix, Tara, 2021
Beef Sired Progeny from Dairy Cows, Basiel, Bailey, Felix, Tara, 2021
Effects of feeding rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin on growth performance, health status, and total tract digestibility of growing beef cattle
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Westphalen, Mariana, Carvalho, Pedro H., V, None, Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Oh, Joonpyo, Hristov, Alexander N., Staniar, William B., Felix, Tara L., 2021
Effects of supplemental calcium butyrate on lamb growth, plasma metabolites, and hepatic gluconeogenic and inflammatory gene expression changes
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Chishti, G. A., Felix, T. L., 2020
Effect of restricted-feeding strategies on blood concentrations of hormones, metabolites, and minerals in Holstein × Zebu finishing steers
Ciencia Animal Brasileira, Sales Silva, Flavia, Silva, Flávia, Valadares Filho, Sebastião, Renno, L., Rennó, Luciana, Trópia, Nathalia, Costa, D., Souza, Caio, Baião Menezes, A., Alhadas, Herlon, Pucetti, P., Mafort, Erica, Felix, Tara, 2020
Effects of cattle breed and corn processing on ruminal pH and volatile fatty acid concentrations, and apparent digestibility
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Felix, Tara L., 2020
Effect of increasing levels of soy hulls in finishing diets of feedlot cattle offered free-choice hay on performance, roughage intake and carcass characteristics
J. Anim. Science, Pittaluga, Alejandro, Felix, Tara, Relling, Alejandro, 2020
2020 Beef-sired progeny from dairy cows, Felix, Tara, Basiel, None, 2020
Building an Emergency Response Plan for Livestock Producers, Hines, Elizabeth, Felix, T, Campbell, J, Hill, C, 2020
Effect of cattle breed and basal diet on digestibility, rumen bacterial communities, and eating and rumination activity
Journal of Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Pinto, Ana C.J., Millen, Danilo D., Felix, Tara L., 2020
Effect of high-pressure-jet processing on the physiochemical properties of low-fat ice cream mix
Journal of Dairy Science, Voronin, G, Roberts, Robert, Felix, Tara L., Coupland, John N., Harte, Federico, 2020
Effect of corn processing on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and metabolite concentrations in feedlot cattle1
Translational Animal Science, Freitas, Tiago, Felix, Tara, Shriver, Wayne, Fluharty, Francis, Relling, Alejandro, 2020
Effect of duration of restricted-feeding on nutrient excretion, animal performance, and carcass characteristics of Holstein × Zebu finishing steers
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, Silva, F. A.S., Valadares Filho, S. C., Godoi, L. A., Silva, B. C., Pacheco, M. V.C., Zanetti, D., Benedeti, P. D.B., Silva, F. F., Felix, T. L., 2020
Effect of corn processing during the finishing phase on growth performance and carcass characteristics
Trans. Anim. Sci., Freitas, T., Felix, Tara, Clark, C., Fluharty, F., Relling, A., 2020
Effects of coated and noncoated steroidal implants on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and serum estradiol-17β concentrations of finishing Holstein steers
Translational Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro, Westphalen, Mariana, Campbell, Jonathan A., Felix, Tara L., 2020
Erratum: Effects of steroidal implants on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and serum and meat estradiol-17β concentrations of Holstein steers (Transl. Anim. Sci. (2020) 4 (1290) DOI: 10.1093/tas/txz186)
Translational Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro, Perry, George, Felix, Tara L., 2020
Effects of rubber matting on cattle performance and carcass characteristics in slatted facilities
J. Anim. Sci., Dawson, C., Henley, P., Schroeder, A., Hayes, C., Felix, Tara, Shike, D., McCann, J., 2020
Effects of rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin on growth performance and immune response in growing beef cattle
J. Anim. Sci., Westphalen, M., Oh, J., Hristov, A., Felix, Tara, 2020
Beef cattle spacing requirements
Penn State Extension, Briggs, N., Felix, Tara, 2020
Calf-fed Holstein demonstration results
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, 2020
Crossbreeding dairy cattle to fit the beef market
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, Fairbairn, C., 2020
Crossbreeding Holsteins with beef
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, 2020
Transitioning calves: From pasture to feedlot
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, Freitas, T., 2020
Transitioning cattle from pasture to grain: Avoid big changes
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, 2020
Understanding EPDs and genomic testing in beef cattle
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, Freitas, T., 2020
Advantages of marketing your beef directly, Felix, Tara, 2020
What does it mean to be a beef producer in PA?
Lancaster Farming, Felix, Tara, 2020
In vitro and in situ techniques yield different estimates of ruminal disappearance of barley
Translational Animal Science, DeFeo, Mary E., Shampoe, Kelsey V., Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Silva, Flavia A.S., Felix, Tara L., 2020
Crossbreeding dairy cattle with beef semen, Felix, Tara, 2020
Nutrient requirements and evaluation of equations to predict chemical body composition of dairy crossbred steers
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, Sales Silva, Flavia, Valadares Filho, S., Costa e Silva, L., Fernandes, Jaqueline, Lage, Bruno, Chizzotti, Mario, Felix, Tara, 2020
So You Want to Raise Beef Cattle?
Penn State Extension, Barkley, M, Felix, Tara, Barkley, M., 2020
Alternative selenium supplement for sheep
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Nedelkov, K., Chen, X.J., Martins, C.M.M.R., Melgar, A., Harper, M.T., Räisänen, S., Oh, J, Felix, T. L., Wall, E., Hristov, Alexander, 2020
Effects of steroidal implants on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and serum and meat estradiol-17β concentrations of Holstein steers
Translational Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro Henrique Vilela, Perry, George A., Felix, Tara L., 2020
Effect of a blend of artificial sweetener and capsicum on productive performance and blood chemistry in growing lambs
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Chen, X. J., Nedelkov, K., Oh, J., Harper, M. T., Wall, E. H., Felix, T. L., Hristov, A. N., 2019
Effect of corn processing on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and metabolite concentrations in feedlot cattle
Translational Animal Science, Freitas, Tiago B., Felix, Tara L., Shriver, Wayne, Fluharty, Francis L., Relling, Alejandro E., 2019
Manure Management, Felix, Tara, Ishler, Virginia, 2019
Calculating the Cost of Beef Production, Felix, Tara, Fairbairn, C, 2019
Biosecurity: The Ounce of Prevention, Felix, Tara, Springer, H, 2019
Effects of cattle breed, Holstein versus Angus, and corn grain processing on diet digestibility and ruminal pH
Journal of Animal Science, Carvalho, Pedro, Silva, Flavia, Felix, Tara, 2019
Efficacy of sheep as a digestibility model for cattle when fed concentrate-based or forage-based diets
Translational Animal Science, Chishti, Ghazanfar A., Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Pinto, Ana Carolina, Silva, Flavia A.S., Felix, Tara L., 2019
Implant Approaches for Feeders, Felix, Tara, 2019
No Bull: Crossbreeding Holsteins with Beef, Felix, Tara, 2019
Body Condition Score as a Nutritional management Tool, Freitas, Tiago, DiCostanzo, Alfredo, Felix, Tara, 2019
Consider Corn-based Diets as an Alternative to Hay for Beef Cows, Felix, Tara, Freitas, Tiago, 2019
2018 Holstein Demonstration Wrap-up, Felix, Tara, 2019
Successful Grass-Fed Production with High Quality Forage, Williamson, J, Felix, Tara, 2019
Ruminant Nutrition: A Symbiotic Relationship, Felix, Tara, Williamson, J, 2019
Ruminant Nutrition: Forage Quality, Felix, Tara, Williamson, J, 2019
Ruminant Nutrition: Species and Forage Management, Felix, Tara, Williamson, J, 2019
Raising calf-fed Holsteins: Colostrum Management, Felix, Tara, Fairbairn, C, Yost, Cassie, 2019
Raising calf-fed Holsteins: Technologies to Improve Production, Felix, Tara, Fairbairn, C, Yost, Cassie, 2019
In vitro and in situ techniques yield different estimates of ruminal disappearance of barley
Trans. Anim. Sci., DeFeo, M., Shampoe, K., Carvalho, P.H., Silva, F.A., Felix, Tara, 2019
Grass-fed Beef Production, Felix, Tara, Williamson, J, Hartman, D, 2019
Cell-culture technology and potential impacts on livestock production
Drovers, Campbell, J, Felix, Tara, Hines, E, Chiles, R, 2019
Raising calf-fed Holsteins in the feedlot
Progressive Cattlemens, Felix, Tara, 2019
Should I use my Beef Manure as Fertilizer?, Felix, Tara, Ishler, Virginia, 2019
Ractopamine-induced changes in the proteome of post-mortem beef longissimus lumborum muscle
South African Journal of Animal Science, Kim, H., Suman, S., Li, S., Beach, C. M., Nair, M. N., Edenburn, B., Zhai, C., Edenburn, B. M., Felix, T. L., Dilger, A., Boler, D., Dilger, A. C., Boler, D. D., 2019
Cattle implanting procedure and education, Felix, Tara, 2019
Are there hormones in my food?
Best Food Facts, Felix, Tara, Ott, T, 2018
Benefits of hiring a nutritionist
Lancaster Farming, Felix, Tara, 2018
What to ask the nutritionist formulating feed for your calves
Progressive Cattlemens, Felix, Tara, 2018
Why are animals given hormones?
Best Food Facts, Felix, Tara, Ott, T, 2018
Grazing Corn Stalks with Beef Cattle
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, Williamson, Jessica, Freitas, Tiago, 2018
Raising Holstein Steers for the Beef Market, Felix, Tara, 2018
Nutrition through the weaning period
Progressive Cattlemens, Felix, Tara, 2018
Effect of high-pressure-jet processing on the viscosity and foaming properties of pasteurized whole milk
Journal of Dairy Science, Tran, M., Roberts, R., Felix, T. L., Harte, F. M., 2018
Effects of increasing dietary level of a commercial liquid supplement on growth performance and carcass characteristics in feedlot steers
Translational Animal Science, Felix, Tara L., Long, Chloe J., Stierwalt, Madeline R., Carvalho, Pedro H.V., Blalock, Howard M., 2018
Comparison of Forage and Concentrate Digestibility in Sheep and Cattle, Chisti, G, Carvalho, P, Felix, Tara, 2018
Effect of Duration of Limit Feeding on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Metabolism, Growth Performance, and Carcass Characteristics of HolsteinxZebu Finishing Steers, Silva, F, Felix, Tara, 2018
Effects of Grain or Forage-based Diets on Digestibility and Ruminal pH in Angus or Holstein Steers, Carvalho, P, Pinto, A, Felix, Tara, 2018
In Situ Ruminal Disappearance Among Corn Grains in Holstein and Angus Steers, Carvalho, P, Pinto, A, Kirk, M., Felix, Tara, 2018
Grass-fed beef production
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, Williamson, Jessica, Hartman, D, 2018
Successful grass-fed beef production with high quality forage
Penn State Extension News, Williamson, Jessica, Felix, Tara, Felix, Tara, Williamson, J, 2018
Climate change effects on livestock in the Northeast US and strategies for adaptation
Climatic Change, Hristov, A. N., Degaetano, A. T., Rotz, C. A., Hoberg, E., Skinner, R. H., Felix, T., Li, H., Patterson, P. H., Roth, G., Hall, M., Ott, T. L., Baumgard, L. H., Staniar, W., Hulet, R. M., Dell, C. J., Brito, A. F., Hollinger, D. Y., 2018
Effects of feeding corn plant residues during the growing phase on steer growth performance and feedlot economics
Applied Animal Science, Carvalho, P. H.V., Meteer, W. T., Schroeder, A. R., DiCostanzo, A., Felix, T. L., 2017
2017 Dairy Beef Wrap-up: Implant Demonstration
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, 2017
Heat Detection in Beef Cattle, Felix, Tara, Fairbairn, C, 2017
Survey Conducted to Guide Programmatic Efforts
Penn State Extension News, Felix, Tara, 2017
Bottom Line Nutrition: Beef. Value of corn crop residues in beef cattle diets
Feedstuffs, Felix, Tara, 2017
Increasing corn distillers solubles alters the liquid fraction of the ruminal microbiome
Journal of Animal Science, McCann, J. C., Segers, J. R., Derakhshani, H., Felix, T. L., Khafipour, E., Shike, D. W., 2017
Grass Fed vs. Grain Fed Beef, Felix, Tara, 2017
Feeding Corn Crop Residues to Growing Beef Cattle
Keystone Cattlemen’s Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2017
Climate change effects on livestock in the northeast US and strategies for adaptation
Climate Change, Hristov, A., Hall, Marvin, Dell, C, Roth, G, Skinner, H, 2017
Replacement of soybean meal with treated castor bean meal in supplements for grazing lambs
Revista Brasileira de Saude e Producao Animal, Freitas, Tiago Brandão, Felix, Tara, Pedreira, Márcio dos Santos, Silva, Robério Rodrigues, da Silva, Fabiano Ferreira, Silva, Herymá Giovane de Oliveira, Tigre, Jéssica Santos, 2017
Are our cattle too good?
Penn State Extension News, Felix, Tara, 2017
Effects of increasing palm kernel cake inclusion in supplements fed to grazing lambs on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and fatty acid profile
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Freitas, T. B., Felix, T. L., Pedreira, M. S., Silva, R. R., Silva, F. F., Silva, H. G.O., Moreira, B. S., 2017
Effects of grain feeding on meat quality and value, Felix, Tara, 2017
Utilization of corn stover for beef cattle, Felix, Tara, Carvalho, P, 2017
Effects of the interaction of forage and supplement type on digestibility and ruminal fermentation in beef cattle
Journal of Animal Science, Stierwalt, M. R., Blalock, H. M., Felix, T. L., 2017
Fungal pretreatment to improve digestibility of corn stover for animal feed
Transactions of the ASABE, Huang, H., Wang, Z., Pan, S. C., Shoup, L. M., Felix, T. L., Perkins, J. B., May, O., Singh, V., 2017
Effects of increasing inclusion of sodium hydroxide treatment on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and feeding behavior of steers fed 50% DDGS
Journal of Animal Science, Freitas, T. B., Relling, A. E., Pedreira, M. S., Rocha, W. J.B., Schroeder, A. R., Felix, T. L., 2017
Implants used in beef cattle are safe and efficacious. Penn State Extension
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, 2017
Ionophores: A technology to improve cattle production efficiency. Penn State Extension
Penn State Extension, Felix, Tara, 2017
Results In from dairy beef demonstration
Lancaster Farming, Felix, Tara, Bingham, Bridget, 2017
Effects of timing and duration of test period and diet type on intake and feed efficiency of Charolais-sired cattle
Journal of Animal Science, Cassady, C. J., Felix, T. L., Beever, J. E., Shike, D. W., 2016
Long-term Effects of Pyrethrin and Cyfluthrin, a Type II Synthetic Pyrethroid, Insecticide Applications on Bull Reproductive Parameters
Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Stewart, J. L., Shipley, C. F., Ireland, F. A., Jarrell, V. L., Timlin, C. L., Shike, D. W., Felix, T. L., 2016
Reducing stress at weaning
Penn State Extension News, Felix, Tara, 2016
Dairy Beef in PA
Farmshine, Felix, Tara, 2016
Drought-stressed corn and fulfilling feed needs
Keystone Cattlemen's Magazine, Felix, Tara, Williamson, J, 2016
Weaning and Transition to the Feedlot: Part2 Transitioning calves from forage to grain-based diets
Keystone Cattlemen's Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2016
Value considerations for corn residue scenarios
Mn Nutr. Conf, Felix, Tara, Carvalho, P.H.V., 2016
Feeding Holstein steer calves for the beef market
Penn State Extension News, Felix, Tara, 2016
Weaning and Transition to the Feedlot: Part1 Stress.
Keystone Cattlemen's Magazine, Felix, Tara, 2016
Effect of dose and duration of ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation on growth performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot heifers
Applied Animal Science, Edenburn, B. M., Pyatt, N. A., Felix, T. L., 2016
Consideration of fat and protein in alternative feeds
Penn State Extension News, Felix, Tara, 2016
Effects of sodium hydroxide treatment of dried distillers’ grains on digestibility, ruminal metabolism, and metabolic acidosis of feedlot steers
Journal of Animal Science, Freitas, T. B., Relling, A. E., Pedreira, M. S., Santana Junior, H. A., Felix, T. L., 2016
Effects of supplementing zinc or chromium to finishing steers fed ractopamine hydrochloride on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality
Journal of Animal Science, Edenburn, B. M., Kneeskern, S. G., Bohrer, B. M., Rounds, W., Boler, D. D., Dilger, A. C., Felix, T. L., 2016
Effects of chromium supplementation to feedlot steers on growth performance, insulin sensitivity, and carcass characteristics
Journal of Animal Science, Kneeskern, S. G., Dilger, A. C., Loerch, S. C., Shike, D. W., Felix, T. L., 2016
338 Enhancing the feeding value of corn residues to improve beef cattle production.
Journal of Animal Science, Carvalho, P., Meteer, W., Schroeder, A., DiCostanzo, A., Felix, Tara, 2016
Effects of supplement type and forage quality on ruminal metabolism and diet digestibility of cattle
J. Anim. Sci., Stierwalt, M., Blalock, H., Felix, Tara, 2016
Transcriptional Analysis of Muscle from Cattle with Alternative NCAPG/LCORL QTL Genotypes
Plant and Animal Genome XXIV, Felix, Tara, 2016
Alternative Feeds for Beef Cattle
27th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium Proceedings, Felix, Tara, 2016
Effects of dietary glycerin on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and rumen metabolism of beef cattle
Applied Animal Science, Long, C. J., Sneed, A. D., Schroeder, A. R., Felix, T. L., 2015
Effects of chromium supplementation to beef cows during gestation on beef cow performance and progeny development before weaning
Applied Animal Science, Kneeskern, S. G., Dilger, A. C., Loerch, S. C., Shike, D. W., Felix, T. L., 2015
Beef cow prepartum supplement level and age at weaning: II. Effects of developmental programming on performance and carcass composition of steer progeny
Journal of Animal Science, Shoup, L. M., Wilson, T. B., González-Peña, D., Ireland, F. A., Rodriguez-Zas, S., Felix, T. L., Shike, D. W., 2015
Prepartum supplement level and age at weaning: I. Effects on pre- and postpartum beef cow performance and calf performance through weaning
Journal of Animal Science, Shoup, L. M., Kloth, A. C., Wilson, T. B., González-Peña, D., Ireland, F. A., Rodriguez-Zas, S., Felix, Tara L., Shike, D. W., 2015
Limit Feeding Beef Cattle
IX SIMPEC, Felix, Tara, 2015
Effect of dried distillers grains with solubles or corn in growing cattle diets, followed by a corn-based finishing diet, on performance of feedlot cattle
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Nuñez, A. J.C., Felix, Tara L., Loerch, Steven, Schoonmaker, J. P., 2015
Effect of dietary fat concentration from condensed corn distillers’ solubles, during the growing phase, on beef cattle performance, carcass traits, digestibility, and ruminal metabolism
Journal of Animal Science, Segers, J. R., Felix, T. L., Green, A. R., Maia, G. N., Ramirez, B. C., Shike, D. W., 2015
Effects of feeding processed corn stover and distillers grains on growth performance and metabolism of beef cattle
Journal of Animal Science, Chapple, W. P., Cecava, M. J., Faulkner, D. B., Felix, T. L., 2015
Limit feeding strategies to optimize efficiency in beef cattle
XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos, Felix, Tara, 2015
Transitioning beef cattle from forage to grain.
XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos, Felix, Tara, 2015
Use of alternative feeds for beef cattle.
XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos, Felix, Tara, 2015
Differences in forage quality when comparing novel and endophyte-infected fescue over the growing season
J. Anim. Sci., Bloemer, M., Srinivasan, M., Ireland, F., Shike, D., Felix, Tara, 2015
Effects of Cr supplementation during gestation on beef cow performance and the interaction with Cr during finishing on progeny growth performance and carcass characteristics
J. Anim. Sci., Kneeskern, G., Dilger, A., Loerch, S., Shike, D., Felix, Tara, 2015
Effects of different applications of pyrethrin/pyrethrod insecticides on bull reproductive parameters
J. Anim. Sci, Timlin, C., Stewart, J., Ireland, F., Shipley, C., Jarrell, V., Shike, D., Felix, Tara, 2015
Effects of Maternal Plane of Nutrition During Late Gestation on Beef Calf Post-weaning Growth and Feed Efficiency, Methane Production, Insulin Sensitivity, and Carcass Characteristics
J. Anim. Sci., Wilson, T., Ramírez, B., Rodriguez, L., Green, A., Boler, D., Dilger, A., Felix, Tara, Shike, D., 2015
Effects of zinc, chromium, and beta-agonist supplementation on feedlot steers on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality
J. Anim. Sci., Edenburn, B., Kneeskern, S., Bohrer, B., Boler, D., Dilger, A., Felix, Tara, 2015