John Boney

John Boney

  • Vernon E. Norris Faculty Fellow of Poultry Nutrition
  • Associate Professor of Poultry Science
318 Agricultural and Industries Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Poultry Nutrition
  • Feed Manufacturing
  • Pellet Quality


  • Ph.D., Animal Nutrition, West Virginia University, 2017
  • M.S., Animal and Food Science, West Virginia University, 2014
  • B.S., Animal and Nutritional Science, West Virginia University, 2013


Extension and Research Program Objectives 

Environmental stewardship and poultry performance enhancements through improved nutrient utilization 

Commercial poultry feed quality improvements

Novel feed ingredient development 



AnSc 311- Poultry Production and Management (Fall semester)


Effects of methionine supplement sources and crude protein on Ross 708 male broiler performance and carcass yield
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Boontarue, D. R., Castro, F. L.S., Poholsky, C. M., Liebross, B. S., Boney, J. W., 2024

Understanding how high pellet-to-fine ratio feed impacts on-farm nutrient segregation over time
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Poholsky, C. M., Boney, J. W., 2024

Effects of mushroom stump waste inclusions to broiler diets on amino acid digestibility and d1–21 performance
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Erb, L. S., Poholsky, C. M., Lyons, A. M., Boney, J. W., 2024

Investigating antibiotic free feed additives for growth promotion in poultry: effects on performance and microbiota
Poultry Science, Fonseca, A, Fonesca, Ana, Kenney, Sophia, Van Syoc, Emily, Bierly, Stephanie, Dini Andreote, F, Dini-Andreote, Francisco, Silverman, Justin, Boney, J, Ganda, Erika, 2024

Evaluation of turkey behavior under different night lighting treatments using machine learning, Wang, Ruijie, Hofstetter, Dan, Medeiros, Henry, Boney, John, Kassube, Hope, 2024

On-farm nutrient segregation is attributed to nutritional differences between pellets and fines and an uneven distribution of feed particles throughout the house
Poultry Science, Poholsky, Courtney, Boontarue, D, Boney, John, 2024

Assessing the impact of dietary interventions on the resistome of broiler chickens
Poultry Science, Fonseca, Ana, Kenney, S, Boney, John, Ganda, E, 2024

Comparison of ingredient markers and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to assess mix uniformity
Poultry Science, Poholsky, C, Bianchi, S, Boontarue, D, Evans, C, Wyatt, C, Boney, John, 2024

Determining the size and scope of USDA-exempted poultry processing in Pennsylvania
Poultry Science, Boontarue, D, Fischer, T, Boney, John, 2024

Effects of superdoses of phytase on peaking Hy-Line W-36 laying hen egg production and egg quality
Poultry Science, Bianchi, S, Bodle, B, Poholsky, C, Boontarue, D, Boney, John, 2024

Feed bin fill level impacts on-farm feed particle and nutrient distribution and subsequent broiler performance over time
Poultry Science, Poholsky, C, Boney, John, 2024

Hygienic pelleting can decrease Hubbard × Ross 708 apparent ileal amino acid digestibility, broiler performance, and increase digestible amino acid requirement
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Lynch, E., Bowen, K., Ayres, V., Boltz, T., Wamsley, K. G.S., Boney, J. W., Moritz, J. S., 2023

Improving broiler production efficiency using alternate ingredients: Probiotics and Insects
Poultry Science, Arsi, Komala, Amalaradjou, Mary, Gao, M, Ren, Y, Reddyvari, R, Lu, S, Boney, John, Ramos, J, Rojas, M, Owens, C, Jesudhasan, P, Donoghue, A, 2023

The impact of insect-based protein inclusion in broiler diets on the quality of broiler breast fillets
Poultry Science, Herrera, Mayra, Arsi, Komala, Jesudhasan, P, Ramos, J, Rojas, M, Boney, John, Donoghue, A, Owens, C, 2023

Understanding pelleted feed flow and nutrient distribution throughout feed lines over time
Poultry Science, Poholsky, Courtney, Boney, John, 2023

Improving pellet quality enhances Nicholas Select turkey performance in targeted phases of production
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Poholsky, C. M., Erb, L. S., Lyons, A. M., Rohlf, P., Boney, J. W., 2023

Hammermill screen selection for soybean processing: effects of soybean meal particle size on amino acid digestibility, feed milling efficiency, and D1-42 broiler performance
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Lyons, A. M., Patterson, P, Poholsky, C. M., Erb, L. S., Patterson, P. H., Boney, J. W., 2023

Hammermill screen selection for soybean processing: soybean meal particle size and pullet performance effects
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Lyons, A. M., Patterson, P. H., Boney, J. W., 2022

The impacts of amino acid density and phytase activity variability on D1-38 Ross 308 male broiler performance and processing yields
Poultry Science, Liebross, Brendan, Poholsky, Courtney, Boney, John, 2022

Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Sampling, Lorenzoni Calvo, Alberto Gino, Boney, J., Dominguez, D., Poholsky, C., 2022

Biosecurity alert: Avian influenza (HPAI) in commercial poultry - April 5th, 2022, Lorenzoni Calvo, Alberto Gino, Lorenzoni, A., Boney, John, 2022

Biosecurity alert: Avian influenza (HPAI) in commercial poultry - March 16th, 2022, Lorenzoni Calvo, Alberto Gino, Lorenzoni, A., Boney, John, 2022

Biosecurity alert: Avian influenza (HPAI) in commercial poultry - March 4th, 2022, Lorenzoni Calvo, Alberto Gino, Lorenzoni, A., Boney, John, Martin, G, 2022

Biosecurity alert. Avian influenza (HPAI) in commercial poultry on February 23, 2022, Lorenzoni Calvo, Alberto Gino, Lorenzoni, A., Boney, John, Lighty, M, Martin, G, 2022

Biosecurity alert. Avian influenza virus detected, Lorenzoni Calvo, Alberto Gino, Lorenzoni, A., Boney, John, 2022

Poultry Houses - Biosecurity, Boney, John, Lorenzoni, A, Fabian, E, Hofstetter, D, 2022

Effects of non-starch polysaccharide degrading enzyme inclusion to corn and soybean-meal based diets containing wheat on broiler performance and ileal energy digestibility
Poultry Science, Poholsky, Courtney, Lyons, Alyssa, Cantley, Staci, Boney, John, 2022

Impact of aragonite as an alternative calcium source on hen egg production and egg quality
Poultry Science, Lyons, Alyssa, Erb, Logan, Poholsky, Courtney, Boney, John, 2022

Longitudinal characterization of the effect of probiotic, phytotherapeutic, and antimicrobial feeding strategies on poultry performance
Poultry Science, Fonseca, Ana, Clouser, Stephanie, Boney, John, Ganda, Erika, 2022

Effects of direct-fed microbial (Bacillus subtilis C-3102) inclusion on tom turkey production efficiency and intestinal microbial populations
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Erb, L. S., Lyons, A. M., Poholsky, C. M., Dirks, B. P., Boney, J. W., 2021

Comparison of Ahiflower oil containing stearidonic acid to a high-alpha-linolenic acid flaxseed oil at two levels on tissue omega-3 enrichment in broilers
Lipids, El-Zenary ASA, None, El-zenary, A, Gaafar, K, Abou-Elkhair, R, Boney, John, Elkin, R, Harvatine, K, Boney, J, Harvatine, Kevin, 2021

Effects of direct-fed microbial inclusion on production parameters and intestinal microbial population changes in Nicholas Select tom turkeys
Poultry Science, Erb, Logan, Lyons, Alyssa, Poholsky, Courtney, Dirks, Brian, Boney, John, 2021

Effects of improvements to pellet quality on commercial hen and tom turkey performance and processing variables
Poultry Science, Poholsky, Courtney, Watt, Morgan, Erb, Logan, Lyons, Alyssa, Boney, John, 2021

Small-flock turkey production, Hulet, R, Clauer, P, Boney, John, Harper, J, Kime, L, 2021

Effects of pellet quality to on-farm nutrient segregation in commercial broiler houses varying in feed line length
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Poholsky, Courtney, Hofstetter, D. W., Khezrimotlagh, Dariush, Boney, J. W., 2021

The impact of soybean meal particle size on milling efficiency, broiler digestibility and subsequent performance
Poultry Science, Lyons, Alyssa, Erb, Logan, Poholsky, Courtney, Patterson, P, Boney, John, 2021

Impact of feed form, liquid application method, and feed augering on feed quality, nutrient segregation, and subsequent broiler performance
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Sellers, R. B., Brown, A. T., Boney, J., McDaniel, C., Moritz, J. S., Wamsley, K. G.S., 2020

A balanced approach to maximize feed hygiene, pellet quality, and nutrient availability, Boney, John, 2020

A method for characterizing instrumental quality measures of turkey breast meat, Poholsky, Courtney, Mills, E, Boney, John, 2020

Effects of steam conditioning manipulations to feed manufacturing parameters and d1-28 poult performance., Boney, John, Moritz, Joseph, 2019

Safe Feed, Safe Pork and Poultry - FSMA and Feed, Hines, Elizabeth, Boney, John, 2019

Nutritional Diseases, Lorenzoni, G, Woods, Chrislyn, Boney, John, 2019

The effect of dietary inclusions of guanidinoacetic acid on D1-42 broiler performance and processing yields
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Boney, J. W., Patterson, P. H., Solis, F., 2019

The effects of steam conditioning and antimicrobial inclusion on feed manufacturing and inactivation of Enterococcus faecium, a Salmonella surrogate
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Boney, J. W., Jaczynski, J., Weidhaas, J. L., Bergeron, A. N., Moritz, J. S., 2018

Feed manufacture and Salmonella surrogate mitigation differences between standard pelleting and more thermally aggressive pelleting utilizing a hygienizer., Boltz, T, Boney, John, Moritz, Joe, 2018

The effect of different inorganic feed phosphate on feed manufacture and pellet quality., Bergeron, A, Boney, John, Mereu, A, Moritz, Joe, 2018

Effects of modifying diet and feed manufacture concern areas that are notorious for decreasing pellet quality
Journal of Applied Poultry Research, Rigby, T. R., Glover, B. G., Foltz, K. L., Boney, J. W., Moritz, J. S., 2018

Evaluating steam conditioning manipulations and grain expressed enzymes effects on feed manufacturing metrics, feed hygiene, broiler performance, and bone mineralization, Boney, John, 2017

Liquid application method (LAM), feed form (FF), and feed pen location effects on D28-56 Ross x Ross 708 male broiler performance and processing characteristics., Sellars, R, Boney, John, McDaniels, C, Moritz, Joe, Wamsley, Kelley, 2015