Cooduvalli S. Shashikant
- Associate Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Developmental Biology
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- Postdoctoral Research, Yale University
- Ph.D., Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India
- Wang, Q., C. Shashikant, N. S. Altman, and S.Girirajan. Novel metrics to measure coverage in whole exome sequencing datasets reveal local and global non-uniformity. Scientific Reports, 7, 885, 2017; doi 10.1038/s41598-017-01005-x.
- Chan, F., M.J. Oatley, A.V. Koucher, Q-E Yang, C.J. Bieberich, C.S. Shashikant and J.M. Oatley. Functional and molecular features of the Id4+ germline stem cell population in mouse testes. Genes & Dev.28, 1351-1362. 2014. doi: 10.1101/gad.240465.114.
- Herlekar, D.A., C.S. Shashikant, A.A. Gurjar and B.M. JayaRao. Presence of viral and bacterial organisms in milk and their association with somatic cell count. J.Dairy Science, 96, 6336-6346, 2013. PMID: 23972495.
- Schyr, R.B., Y. Shabtai, C.S. Shashikant and A. Fainsod. Cdx1 is essential for the initiation of HoxC8 expression during embryogenesis. FASEB J. 26, 2674-2684. 2012. PMID: 2242612.
- Katwa, L.C. and C.S. Shashikant. Cross-talk between Angiotensin II and PPAR-gamma in cardiac remodeling. In 'Angiotensin: New Research, edited by Sota Harada and Itsuki Moi, Nova Publications, 2012.
- Katwa, L.C., and C.S. Shashikant. Cardiac remodeling and fibrosis: role of myofibroblasts. In “The Cardiac Fibroblasts" edited by Turner NA, part of series on Cardiovascular Research published by Research Signpost, 2011.
- Bentley, K.L., C.S. Shashikant, C.H. Wang, F.H. Ruddle and N.H. Ruddle. A yeast-based recombinogenic targeting toolset for transgenic analysis of human disease genes. Annals NY Acad. Sci., 1207 Suppl 1:E58-68, 2010 .
- McMullin, R.P., A. Dobi, L.N. Mutton, A. Orosz, S. Maheshwari, C.S. Shashikant and C.J. Bieberich. A FOXA1-binding enhancer regulates Hoxb13 expression in the prostate gland. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 107, 98-103, 2010.
- Wang, W.C.H. and C.S. Shashikant. Evidence for positive and negative regulation of the mouse Cdx2 gene. J.Exp.Zool. Mol.Dev.Evol, 308, 308-321, 2007.
- Shashikant C.S., S.A. Bolanowski, S. Anand, and S.M. Anderson. Comparisons of diverged vertebrate Hoxc8 early enhancer activities reveal modification of regulatory interactions at conserved cis-acting elements. J.Exp.Zool. Mol.Dev.Evol, 308, 242-249, 2007.
- Bhat KM, N. Maddodi, C. Shashikant, and V. Setaluri. Transcriptional regulation of human MAP2 gene in melanoma: role of neuronal bHLH factors and Notch1 signaling. Nucleic Acids Res; 34:3819-3832, 2006.
- Shashikant C., S.A. Bolanowski, J. Danke, and C.T. Amemiya. Hoxc8 early enhancer of the Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis. J.Exp.Zool. Mol.Dev.Evol. 302, 557-563, 2004.
- Wang, C.H.W., S. Anand, D.R. Powell, A.B. Pawashe, C.T. Amimiya, and C.S. Shashikant. Comparative cis-regulatory analysis identify new elements of the mouse Hoxc8 early enhancer. J.Exp.Zool. Mol.Dev.Evol. 302, 436-445, 2004.
- Gibbons, D., C. Shashikant, and A.C. Hayday. A comparative analysis of RNA targeting strategies in the thymosin beta 4 gene. J.Mol.Biol. 342, 1069-1076, 2004.
- Shin, D., S.Korada, R. Raballo, C. Shashikant, A. Simeone, J. Taylor, and F. Vaccarino. Loss of glutamaergic pyramidal neurons in frontal and temporal cortex due to attenuation of FGFR1 signaling is associated with spontaneous hyperactivity in mice. J.Neuroscience, 24, 2247-2258, 2004.
- Force A, C. Shashikant, P. Stadler, and C.T. Amemiya. Comparative genomics, cis-regulatory elements and gene duplication. Methods Cell Biol. 77: 545-561, 2004.
- Anand, S., W.C.H. Wang, D.R Powell, S.A. Bolanowski, J. Zhang, C. Ledje, A.B. Pawashe, C.T. Amemiya, and C.S. Shashikant. Divergence of Hoxc8 early enhancer parallels diverged axial morphologies between mammals and fishes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 100, 15666-15669, 2003.
- Kim C.B., C.S. Shashikant, W.C.H. Wang, K. Sumiyama, C.T. Amemiya, and F.H. Ruddle. Phylogenetic analysis of the mammalian Hoxc8 non-coding region. J. Struct. Functional Genomics. 3, 195-199, 2003.
- Shashikant C.S. and Ruddle F.H. Impact of transgenic technologies on functional genomics. Curr Issues Mol Biol. 5, 75-98, 2003.
- Sumiyama, K., S.Q. Irvine, D.W. Stock, K.M. Weiss, K. Kawasaki, N. Shimizu, C.S. Shashikant, W. Miller, and F.H. Ruddle. Genomic structure and functional control of the Dlx3-7 bigene cluster. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.(USA)99:780-785, 2002
- Chiu-C-H., C. T. Amemiya, J. L. Carr, J. K. Hwang, J. Bhargava, C. S. Shashikant, F. H. Ruddle, and G. P. Wagner. A recombinogenic targeting method to modify large-inserts for cis-regulatory analysis in transgenic mice: construction and expression of a 100 kb, zf Hoxa-11b-lacZ reporter gene. Development Genes Evol., 210, 105-109, 2000.
- Bhargava, J., C. S. Shashikant, J. L. Carr, K. L. Bentley, and F. H. Ruddle. Direct cloning of genomic DNA by recombinogenic targeting method using a yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pClasper. Genomics, 62, 285-288, 1999.
- Bhargava, J., C. S. Shashikant, J. L. Carr, K. L. Bentley, C. T. Amemiya, and F. H. Ruddle. pPAC-ResQ: a yeast-bacterial shuttle vector for capturing inserts from P1 and PAC clones by recombinogenic targeted cloning. Genomics, 56, 337-339, 1999.
- Hanson, R. D., J. L. Hess, B. D. Yu, P. Ernst, M. van Lohuizen, C. S. Shashikant, F. H. Ruddle, M. Seto, and S. L. Korsmeyer. Mammalian trithorax and polycomb-group homologues are antagonistic regulators of homeotic development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA). 96, 14372-14377, 1999.
- Igarashi, P., C. S. Shashikant, R. B. Thomson, D. A. Whyte, S. Liu-Chen, F. H. Ruddle, and P. S. Aronson. Ksp-cadherin gene promoter. II. Kidney –specific activity in transgenic mice. Am. J. Physiol. (Renal Physiol.). 277, F599-F610, 1999.
- Ruddle, F. H., J. L. Carr, C. B. Kim, C. Ledje, C. S. Shashikant, and G. P. Wagner. Evolution of Hox gene clusters. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 870, 238-248, 1999.
- Shashikant, C. S., J. L. Carr, J. Bhargava, K. L. Bentley, and F. H. Ruddle. Recombinogenic targeting: A new approach to genomic analysis- a review. Gene, 223, 9-20, 1998.
- Shashikant, C. S., C. B. Kim, M. A. Borbeley, W. C. H. Wang, and F. H. Ruddle. Comparative studies on mammalian Hoxc8 early enhancer sequences reveal a baleen whale-specific deletion of a cis-acting sequence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA), 95, 15446-15451, 1998.
- Belting, H.-G., C. S. Shashikant, and F. H. Ruddle. Multiple phases of expression and regulation of mouse Hoxc8 during early embryogenesis. J. Exp. Zool., 282, 196-222, 1998.
- Belting, H-G., C. S. Shashikant, and F. H. Ruddle. Modification of expression and cis-regulation of Hoxc8 in the evolution of diverged axial morphology. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95, 2355-2360, 1998.
- Carr, J. L., C. S. Shashikant, W.J. Bailey, and F. H. Ruddle, Molecular evolution of Hox gene regulation: cloning and transgenic analysis of the lamprey HoxQ8 gene J. Exp. Zool., 280, 73-85, 1998.
- Weiss, K., D. Stock, Z. Zhao, A. Buchanan, F. H. Ruddle, and C. S. Shashikant. Some perspectives on genetic aspects of dental patterning. European J. Oral Sciences, 106, 56-63, 1998.
- Shashikant, C. S. and F. H. Ruddle. Combinations of closely situated cis-acting elements determine tissue-specific patterns and anterior extent of early Hoxc8 expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 12364-12369, 1996.
- Bradshaw, M. S., C. S. Shashikant, H.-G. Belting, J. A. Bollekens, and F. H. Ruddle. A long range regulatory element of Hoxc-8 identified using the pClasper vector. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 2426-2430, 1996.
- Lu, S., C. S. Shashikant, and F. H. Ruddle. Separate Cis-acting elements determine the expression of mouse Dbx gene in multiple spatial domains of the central nervous system. Mech. Dev., 58, 193-202, 1996.
- Becker, D., Z. Jiang, P. Knodler, A. Deinhard R. Eid, K. Kidd, C. S. Shashikant, F. Ruddle, and K. Schughart. Conserved regulatory element involved in the early onset of Hoxb-6 gene expression. Dev. Dynamics 205: 73-81, 1996.
- Shashikant, C. S., C. J. Bieberich, H.-G. Belting, J. C. H. Wang, M. A. Borbely, and F. H. Ruddle. Regulation of Hoxc-8 during mouse embryonic development: Identification and characterization of critical elements involved in early neural tube expression. Development 121: 4339-4347, 1995.