Ann M. Swinker

Ann M. Swinker

  • Associate Professor Emeritus of Equine Science

Areas of Expertise

  • Implementing Conservation Practices
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Equine Care and Management
  • Equine Nutrition
  • Equine Pasture and Manure Management
  • Riding Area Surfaces


  • Ph.D., Agricultural Sciences, West Virginia University, 1990, Animal Science Dissertation: "Relationship of Equine Thyroid Hormone Levels and Clinical Signs of Hypothyroidism"
  • M.Ag., Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State University, 1980
  • B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, 1974


Selected publications

  • Swinker, A.M., J.R. McCurley, E.R. Jordan, D.M. Kniffen and R.A. Dailey. 1991. Effects of reproductive parameters on equine serum thyroid hormone levels. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59 (Suppl. 1).
  • Swinker, A.M., J.R. McCurley, E.R. Jordan, D.M. Kniffen and R.A. Dailey. 1991. Effects of dietary excesses on equine serum thyroid hormone levels. Proc. Eq. Nutr. Phys. Soc. 255.
  • Yemm, R.S., D.L. Kohrt, D.M. Kniffen, A.M. Swinker, B.R. Gillmore and K.L. Hossner. 1992. DNA fingerprinting of sheep and horses for paternity testing using the microsatellite probe (GTG)5. Proc. West. Sec. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 43:99-102.
  • Allen, N.T., K.D. Butler and A.M. Swinker. 1993. The effects of mediolateral balance on equine hoofs. J. Anim. Sci. (70 (Suppl. 0) :254 (Abstr.).
  • Swinker, A.M., E.L. Squires, E.L. Munford, J.E. Knowles and D.M. Kniffen. 1993. Effect of body weight and body condition score on follicular development and ovulation in mares treated with GnRH analogue. J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 13(9):519.
  • Swinker, A.M. and J. Heird. 1994. Trends, opportunities and issues in the horse industry. Encyclopedia of Agricultural Science. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
  • Swinker, A.M. and D.E. Johnson. 1995. Equine industry manure disposal practices, variation and magnitude. ARPAS. September 11(3):434.
  • Swinker, A.M., E.L. Squires and E.L. Munford. 1995. Correlation of thyroid hormone levels to ovulation in anestrous mares treated with varying doses of GnRH analogue. ENPS Proceedings.
  • Grandin, T., M.J. Deesing, J.J. Struthers and A.M. Swinker. 1995. Cattle with hair whorl patterns above the eyes are more behaviorally agitated during restraint. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. (Abstr.), p. 127.
  • Tanner, M.K., A.M. Swinker, J. Traub-Dargatz, L. Stiffler, P. McCue, D.K. Vanderwall, D.E. Johnson and L.M. Vap. 1998. Respiratory and Environmental effects of recycled phone book paper versus sawdust as bedding for horses. J. Eq. Vet. Sci., 18(7):471.
  • Ford, K.N., A.M. Swinker, J.L. Traub-Dargatz and J.M. Cheney. 1998. The prevalence of cryptosporidium and giardia in the trail horse population utilizing public lands. J. Eq. Vet. Sci., 18(1):38.
  • Tanner, M.K., A.M. Swinker, M.L. Beard, G.N. Cosma, J.L. Traub-Dargatz and A.B. Martinez. 1998. Effect of phone book versus sawdust and straw bedding on the presence of airborne gram-negative bacteria, fungi and endotoxin in horse stalls. J. Eq. Vet Sci. 18(7):457.
  • Swinker, A.M., M.K. Tanner, D.E. Johnson and L. Benner. 1998. Composting characteristics of three bedding materials. J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 18(7):462.
  • Swinker, A.M., K.N. Forde, J.L. Traub-Dargatz and J. Hyatt. 1999 Prevalence of Commercial and Private Trail Horse Recreational Use on Public Lands in Colorado. Proc. Eq. Nutr. Physiol. Soc.
  • Swinker A. M., M. L. Swinker, and J. L. Kollar, 2001, Equestrian riding arena surfaces and the use of dust suppressants, Proc. Eq. Nutr. Physiol. Soc.
  • Crawford K., A. Swinker, A. Seidl, and W.D. Lamm, 2001, Colorado's Equine Industry Hay Utilization Practices, Proc. Eq. Nutr. Physiol. Soc.
  • A. Swinker, P. Tozer and M. Shields. June,30,2003. Pennsylvania Horse Power, Equine Economic Impact Study. Penn State, College of Agricultural Sciences. Vol. 1, No 1.: 1-20.
  • A. Swinker, P. Tozer, E. Landis, M. Shields. June 2003. Pennsylvania Equine Industry Inventory, Economic and Demographic Characteristics. PSU Extension.
  • Kollar J. L, A.M. Swinker, M.L. Swinker, April 2005, A survey of respiratory disorders in equestrian instructors, ARPAS, vol 21, No.2.
  • Vanderman, K., Swinker, A., Gill. B, Radjalrosjma. R., Kniffen, D., Staniar, W., McKernan H., and Miller, R. 2009. Survey on th Implementation of National Equine Identification in the United State, J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 29:819-822.
  • A. M. Swinker, Werner, J., Jedrzejewski, E., Miller, R. and McKernan, H., Animal disease traceability plan evaluated through 4-H horse program, J. of NACAA, 5 (1), June 1, 2012.

  • Gerber, M. I., Swinker, A.M., Staniar W. B., Werner, J., Jedrzejewski and A. L.Macrina. Health factors associated with microchip insertion in horses, J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 32:3,177-182, 2012.

  • Rebecca C.B., Greene, B.A., Koch,K., Martinson, K.L., Siciliano,P., Williams, C.A., Trottier, N., Burk, A., Swinker ,A.M., Production and environmental implications of equine grazing. J. Eq. Vet. Sci., 2013.

  • Swinker, A., Worobey, S., McKernan, H., Kniffen, D., Foulk, D, Schneider , F., and Brubaker, M., Profile of Pennsylvania equine industry's environmental impact and best management practices. J. of NACAA, 6 (1), 2013.

  • Greene,E.A., C. Giguere, R.C. Bott, K.L. Martinson, and A. Swinker. Vermont Horses vs. Twisted Tomatoes: A Case Study. J. of NACAA, 6 (1), June 1, 2013.

  • Westendorf M. L., C. Williams, A. O. Burk, N. Trottier, K. Martinson, P. D. Siciliano, A. M. Swinker, E. A. Elizabeth A. Greene and R. Bott. Environmental impacts of equine operations: a U.S. Department of Agriculture multistate project, J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 32:6, 324-326, 2013.

  • Swinker, A.,  D. Foulk, H. McKernan, S. Truax, Implementing Conservation Practices on Equine and Small Farms Using Environmental Stewardship Programs, National Conference on Grazing Lands, Dec. 13-16, 2015 Grapevine, TX.

    Foulk, D., A. Swinker, H. McKernan, H. Stofanak, L. Witmer, D. Zang, M. Nielsen and E. Jedrzejewski, Reducing Parasite Resistance on Equine Operations Using a Comprehensive Whole Farm Approach, National Conference on Grazing Lands, Dec. 13-16, 2015 Grapevine, TX.

    Swinker, A.,  D. Foulk, H. McKernan , Environmentally Friendly Farm Program Recognizes Pennsylvania Farms that Adopt Sound Management Practices Protecting Water Quality and the Environment, Waste to Worth, Seattle WA, March 31 - April 3, 2015. 

    Swinker, A., A. Burk, R. Bott, C. Williams, and E. Greene, An NE-1441 Project: Proposed Methodologies for Administering a Multi-State Environmental Best Management Practices Survey of Equine Properties Waste to Worth, Seattle WA, March 31 - April 3, 2015.

     Swinker, A.,
      E. Greene, A. Burk, R. Bott, B. McIntosh, M. Westendorf, C. Williams, Existing Equine Pasture Best Management Survey Findings from NE-1441 States, Waste to Worth, Seattle WA, March 31 - April 3, 2015.

  • Bott, R., Greene, E., Trottier, N., Willliams, C., Westendorf, M., Swinker N., Mastellar, S., Martinson, K., Environmental implications of nitrogen output on horse operations: A review, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 08/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.jevs.2015.