The final element in your 4-H journey, put your knowledge and skills to the test!

It’s your time to shine.

4-H members carrying animal science projects may have the opportunity to show or exhibit their project animals at 4-H shows or events. The PA 4-H program offers regional/district and state level shows for dairy cattle and horses. Additional opportunities may be available on the local level for all animal science projects but will vary by county as most of these activities do not fall under PA 4-H. There are some animal science project areas that provide conference opportunities at a National level.

Participation in shows and exhibitions for 4-H members carrying animal science projects is an opportunity for youth to become more engaged in their animal projects, develop valuable life skills, and interact with youth from across the state. This is not a requirement for completion of an animal science project but rather a tool to further enhance the experience. National conferences are opportunities given to nominated 4-H members for their achievements within an industry that they have successfully completed an animal science project in. Contact your County Educator for more information.

Learn about:

  • Animal Care and Ownership
  • Honesty and Sportsmanship
  • Animal Health and Biosecurity
  • Quality Assurance and Food Safety
  • Animal Housing and Facilities
  • Animal and Environment Relationships
  • Ethics and Conduct

PA Junior Dairy Show

This is the state level show for qualifying 4-H dairy cattle projects that have earned their entry by qualifying at the county/region/district levels. 

National 4-H Dairy Conference

About 200 youth from 4-H dairy projects around the U.S. and Canada congregate in Madison, Wisconsin for the National 4-H Dairy Conference held annually in conjunction with World Dairy Expo. Each Pennsylvania county may nominate a maximum of two 4-H members for this event.  Delegates must be at least 15 years old but no more than 18 years old as of January 1st of this year, and they must be enrolled in grades 10-12 this fall. They must also be currently enrolled in a 4-H dairy project.  A selection committee will interview candidates by phone in late July. The Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association is providing major financial support for this trip, so costs to counties should be minimal.  This conference will feature trips to Nasco, Dairy Shrine, and Hoard’s Dairyman. Past workshop topics included artificial insemination, dairy products marketing, interviewing, biotechnology, and herd mating strategies. The National 4-H Dairy Conference offers tremendous opportunities for networking and for injecting new ideas into local programs.

PA 4-H Horse Show

This event encompasses not only riding class opportunities, but some fun and unique classes as well; costume, public speaking, stall decorating, just to name a few!  This is a state level event that may require qualification from the county/region/district level to participate.

Junior Horse Show

Youth who participate in the Junior Horse project raise and work with young horses from yearling to five years of age. Records are kept for each animal enrolled in the project. Animals enrolled in Junior Horse projects may be shown at local, regional or state shows.  The Junior Horse Show is the state level event for this equine project.

Dressage Show

Youth who participate in the Dressage or Western Dressage disciplines have an opportunity to showcase their skills in the State Dressage Championship Show. Classes (or tests) start at the walk-trot level and culminate at 2nd Level for classical and Level 2 for western dressage.

Competitive Trail Ride

Youth learn to select and condition a horse for competitive trail riding. Members maintain records on their project horse and record trail riding experiences. Many members participate in local, regional, or state competitive trail rides.

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