Odd but stellar undergrad research project vital to student’s education, future

May 8, 2020

When Kaylee Kishbaugh arrived at Penn State four years ago, she didn’t even know what prosciutto was, let alone that it could be made from duck. But now, looking back over her undergraduate experience and looking ahead to her career, she realizes the odd meat product was pivotal for her.

College of Agricultural Sciences supports food banks, families in need

May 8, 2020

Penn State Meats Laboratory, the Penn State Poultry Education and Research Center and the Penn State Berkey Creamery have donated food products to food banks throughout the region.

College of Agricultural Sciences supports food banks, families in need

May 7, 2020

With thousands of people out of work due to the COVID-19 crisis — and food banks working tirelessly to feed an ever-growing number of hungry families — Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences is doing its part to fill empty shelves and refrigerators.

Due to COVID-19 outbreak, state temporarily OKs farms applying milk to fields

April 24, 2020

Robert Meinen, senior extension associate in the college, explains that the guidance recognizes that dairy producers are facing a very difficult situation - markets for their milk have dried up and their cows keep making milk.

Poultry Science Club Elects Officers for 2020--2021

April 24, 2020

Elections and recognition of outstanding members took place virtually as a result of Covid-19, with students having returned to their homes.

Pa. dairy industry has future, despite shrinkage, damage from COVID-19 outbreak

April 24, 2020

Penn State Extension Highlighted on Food Safety Video

April 17, 2020

A newly created video highlights Penn State Extension's Industrial Food Safety and Quality Team and its important contribution to Pennsylvania's meat processing industry.

College of Agricultural Sciences faculty member among LEAD21 graduates

April 14, 2020

Department of Animal Science's Burt Staniar completed the LEAD21 program, a leadership-development initiative.

With much of the world halted by the coronavirus pandemic, Penn State's farms carry on

April 9, 2020

College of Agricultural Sciences faculty member among LEAD21 graduates

April 6, 2020

Burt Staniar, associate professor of equine science in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, recently was one of 90 individuals completing the LEAD21 program, a leadership-development initiative affiliated with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.