4-H Animal Programs
Pennsylvania 4-H is Penn State Extension’s youth development program. Scientists, educators, and staff develop curricula and learning materials, and offer general support to 4-H animal projects that foster leadership, responsibility, friendship, compassion, responsibility, and other positive traits in youth.
4-H Animal Programs

Raising beef animals can help youth growth personally and learn skills that will help them become more responsible. The skills learned in raising livestock also carry over into other aspects of 4-H life.

Youth interested in dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, mice, and other small companion animals can participate in 4-H Small Animal projects and learn about companion animal health, nutrition, and more. Youth can also participate in the Veterinary Science "Skills for Life" Series.

Pennsylvania's 4-H Dairy teams have been very competitive in national dairy judging and quiz bowl competitions. A wide variety of activities are available for young people to build their skills and learn more about the dairy industry.

The Pennsylvania 4-H Goat Program is open to all youth - with or without farm backgrounds. Members learn about the Goat industry through events, shows and hands-on projects.

The Pennsylvania 4-H horse Program promotes knowledge of horsemanship and responsible, ethical equine use, care, and management. Youth who participate in 4-H horse programs develop skills that include leadership, responsibility, sportsmanship, teamwork, community service, a positive attitude, and a sense of self worth.

Youth of all walks of life, both urban and rural, are involved in the 4-H poultry program. Projects include embryology, raising and rearing poultry, and poultry and egg consumer projects. These projects motivate youth to learn teamwork, develop interpersonal skills, build enthusiasm, and enjoy challenges.

The 4-H Sheep Program helps youth to gain a better understanding of the basics of sheep production, nutritional needs of sheep, how to keep sheep healthy and how to correct health problems, and more.

The Pennsylvania 4-H Swine Program is open to all youth - with or without farm backgrounds. Members learn about the swine industry through events, shows and hands-on projects.