Step 4: Go to the Testing Site and Enable Pop-Up Windows
Once you have received your e-mail titled PA 4-H Horse Show Judges Rule Book Test, go to and log in using your Friends of Penn State (FPS) digital identity (userid) and password.
This Web site will appear differently in different types of browsers—so you may not see exactly what is shown below. We strongly recommend that you use the latest FireFox browser to take the test, or at least be sure that you are using the most up to date version of your browser.
Note that in the page shown below, FireFox is preventing the site from opening a pop-up window. If your browser is giving you a similar message, you must enable pop-up windows in order to take the test. In FireFox, you do this by clicking the Options button on the far right and then in the pull-down menu that appears, selecting the option that allows pop-ups to appear on this site.
Once you have done this, you can go to the next step.
![Angel Screen Shot 01: Initial Screen With Login Angel Screen Shot 01: Initial Screen With Login](