
Step 1: Get Your Friends of Penn State (FPS) Account

It is strongly recommended to use a high speed internet connection while taking the Rule Book Test. Your local library or cooperative extension offices are two good resources for high speed internet connections if you do not have high speed internet at home.

Printable version of Rulebook Test Directions

Step 1. Getting a Friends of Penn State (FPS) account is the firstand the most importantstep.  You may already have a Friends of Penn State account. If you do, there is no reason to get a new one, you can use the account you currently have.

How to Get a Friends of Penn State (FPS) Account

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the Create an Account link.
  3. Complete the form at this location. You do not need to fill in all of the form fields, but you must complete the fields with a star next to them.

    Be sure to write down the password you provide and keep it in a safe place! You must remember your password in order to use your account.

    You also will be required to supply an answer to a password reminder question. Be sure that you write down this answer, or choose a question that has an obvious answer (for you). If you ever forget your password, you will need the answer to this question!
  4. When you submit the form, the next screen will show you your digital identity. This is your userid. Make note of it and do not lose it. This userid and the password you provided in the form are what you need to log into the Rule Book Test.

    Also make note of the e-mail displayed on this screen. This is the e-mail you provided in the form. You must use this e-mail if you ever forget your password and need to go to the Friends of Penn State site to retrieve your login information.

If You Forget Your FPS Password:

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the Reset Password link.
  3. You will then be asked to provide your digital identity (userid). Enter this in the form and click Submit.
  4. You will then be asked your password reminder question. Provide your answer (word it exactly as you did when you applied for your account!) and click Submit.
  5. You will then see a screen that says something like this:

    Your password for [your userid] has been reset. An e-mail with the new password has been sent to [your e-mail address]. After you receive this email, please change your password.

  6. Follow the directions in the e-mail to change your password.